Welcome to Skeevers Online


Post has published by sasa2112

Donations are ALWAYS Needed!

Item Donations

Please send these directly to @SkeeverDonations. 

Also, please be aware that during events some items may or may not have much value depending on the drop rate. However, since most of these stack, feel free to send along anything extra you have farmed and we’ll add it to our prize reserve.

  • Purple or gold motifs
  • Style Pages
  • Mats or tempers, including
    • Unrefined mats of all levels
    • CH160 refined mats
    • Perfect roe
    • Nirncrux – both potent and fortified
    • alchemy mats
    • rare style mats
    • furniture crafting mats (particularly pitch, decorative wax, mundane runes, heartwood)
    • Kuta
    • Rakeipa glyphs
    • Hakeijo glyphs
  • Attunable crafting stations (for our crafting center)
  • Master writs (but not jewelry)
  • Any recipe or furnishing plans worth 1k or more.
  • Raw fish
  • Filled soul gems
  • Luxury or other desirable furnishings
  • Special Event Crafting Writs/Items
  • Runeboxes AND Runebox Parts!
  • Treasure Maps

Service Donations

These are donations of time that we sell at our monthly auctions.

  • 2 hours of farming (all items collected by the farmer go to the winning bidder)
  • 2 hours of fishing (all items caught by the fisher person go to the winning bidder)
  • AP (the donor buys requested unbound items using AP to be sent to the winning bidder – min 100k AP)
  • Tel Var Stones (the donor buys requested unbound items using AP to be sent to the winning bidder)
  • Writ Vouchers (the donor buys the requested item to be sent to the winning bidder)

Crown Donations

These are generally given away as bonus prizes in our weekly raffles, although they are sometimes auctioned off. The crown donor gifts items requested by the winner of the prize – up to the amount of the donation.

Auction Furniture Set Donations

Please contact our auction officer @researchmonkey about donating furniture sets for the monthly auction. In fact, any auction donation questions can be forwarded to him.

We love it when you help us complete motif books! Please MAIL all donations to @SkeeverDonations. Items deposited directly into the guildbank are not credited as donations.

Any donation of 10k or more counts toward keeping your membership active! You receive one month of Generous status for every 100k of donations.

