Welcome to Skeevers Online


World Boss Wednesdays w/Geekmeowt

Welcome to Geekmeowt's World Boss Run. Every other week we will be picking a zone in Tamriel and taking out all of the world bosses! There is no min level requirement so bring whichever toon you want! You don't need to sign up for participating, but just be ready to go 10-15 minutes before the […]

Anarchy with/Arrow!

This run is especially made for those who have never done trials before, or want to test out new characters, or new roles they haven't tried yet. Everyone is welcome (although we'd prefer it if you were at least CP160, and this run is especially for beginners- but don't fret if you're not there yet, […]

Naked Skeever Romp w/tarlwyn

The Skeevers will once more invade Tamriel. Remember no weapons, no gear, no jewelry to start. We gather and trade as we clear the zone: outside skyshards, world bosses, and wayshrines. Join us after the raffle.

SSI 1 Million Gold PLUS 5000 Crown Pick Your Prize Raffle Entry Deadline

We have a special holiday raffle! @Censorshipman has donated a 1 Million Gold Bonus Prize, in addition to our normal weekly 5000 Crown Shopping Spree! Additionally, for every 500 tickets sold, we add another prize from our Pick Your Prize Raffle Bank! Buying 10 tickets (or more) will also meet your monthly guild contribution requirement. […]

SSI Monthly Member Rollover

Scheming Skeever Import members need to be paid up for the month, or risk getting the boot! On the last day of the month, everyone who is endangered gets kicked, and everyone who is Golden gets moved back to Endangered (NEW MONTH). Once people make their contribution for the month, they get re-promoted back to […]
