Welcome to Skeevers Online

Summer Guild Hall Build Meeting

This year we hope to reopen our summer guildhall festival site - and we need YOUR help! A music festival isn't anything without vendors and campers! If you are interested in creating your very own camping and/or vending area - we will be taking an exclusive tour of the site and we will talk about […]

SSI Monthly Member Rollover

Scheming Skeever Import members need to be paid up for the month, or risk getting the boot! On the last day of the month, everyone who is endangered gets kicked, and everyone who is Golden gets moved back to Endangered (NEW MONTH). Once people make their contribution for the month, they get re-promoted back to […]

SSI Monthly Member Rollover

Scheming Skeever Import members need to be paid up for the month, or risk getting the boot! On the last day of the month, everyone who is endangered gets kicked, and everyone who is Golden gets moved back to Endangered (NEW MONTH). Once people make their contribution for the month, they get re-promoted back to […]

SSI Monthly Member Rollover

Scheming Skeever Import members need to be paid up for the month, or risk getting the boot! On the last day of the month, everyone who is endangered gets kicked, and everyone who is Golden gets moved back to Endangered (NEW MONTH). Once people make their contribution for the month, they get re-promoted back to […]

SSI Monthly Member Rollover

Scheming Skeever Import members need to be paid up for the month, or risk getting the boot! On the last day of the month, everyone who is endangered gets kicked, and everyone who is Golden gets moved back to Endangered (NEW MONTH). Once people make their contribution for the month, they get re-promoted back to […]


Weekly Trivia

All Scheming Skeevers are invited to join us for fun & prizes as our weekly Trivia MC tries to Stump the Skeever! While trivia happens in guild chat, join us in our Discord Social Channel for fun and shenanigans!