Welcome to Skeevers Online

Guild Ranks

Post has published by sasa2112

Scheming & Trusty Skeever Guild Ranks
Each guild may have up to ten different ranks. Currently, these are ours (and sometimes the names change with an event)….

Skeever Queen/Skeever King
There can only be one and it is the person who starts the guild. Has full access to all guild functions.

Cheesy Consorts
In this case, Cheesy Consorts function as a co-guildmasters.

Shastirra’s Eyes/The King’s Eyes (aka Officers)
These are people who take on particular responsibilities in order to help the guild function better.

Founding 50 (Scheming only)
This rank was bestowed on the first 50 people who joined our guild. Yes, we still have original members 10 years later. Why 50? Because that’s how many members you need to bid on a guild trader!

Generous Skeever
This designation is given to any guild member who significantly impacts the guild in terms of donating time, talents, or energy to the guild OR who gives items of substance for the weekly guild raffles. It is through the generosity of such members that we can continue to offer cool prizes in order to raise funds for hiring our guild trader. Generous Skeevers are vital to helping the guild stay successful. Donations of 100k grant members generous status for 30 days. (Note: Buying raffle tickets are not considered donations.)

Skeevers holding the Generous rank will receive a +1 Raffle bonus should they happen to win a prize. This means that if you win a Group 4 prize, a Generous Skeever will be bumped up to a Group 3 prize.

Fortune 500
These are Skeevers who have combined sales and/or purchases at 500k or more per 30 days. They are exempt from the monthly contribution requirement.

Golden Skeever
A Golden Skeever is a member in good standing. In order to stay a member, Skeevers must stay active in game AND contribute every month. This can be done by:

  • Buying raffle tickets
  • Buying an auction lot
  • donating items for raffle prize bank or auction
  • donating gold

BOTH of these conditions must be met in order to maintain status.

Endangered (month)
These are Skeevers who need to contribute in the current month. Any member who does not make the monthly contribution each month OR are inactive in game after 14 days may be removed from the guild. 

New members MUST contribute 10,000g/Scheming or 5,000g/Trusty (through donation or buying raffle tickets) within 7 days of joining or they will be removed from the guild. Once their contribution has been received, they will be promoted to Golden Skeever, this initial donation also meeting the monthly requirement.

New guild recruits are automatically put into this category. Recruits are then promoted to 7 Day Skeeverlings once they have received their welcome mail to the guild.

For Returning/Recruiting Members

Inviting New Guild Members
Due to the inclusion of the guild finder in game, the resulting number of high applications for entry into the guild, and the need to maintain the integrity of our wait list, members can no longer directly invite new players into the guild. However, anyone may fill out an application in the guild finder. Being referred by a current member does reduce the amount of time it takes to get into the guild, so have your friends make mention of that in the guild application. Likewise folks who have bothered to come to the website and mention reading and agreeing with the Code of Conduct, will also get moved to the top of the wait list!

Returning Members
If you were removed as a member in good standing and would like to rejoin the guild, then you can just mail SaSa in the game or through Discord (we now have an #absences-and-invites channel OR reapply through the in-game guild finder. NOTE: Sometimes we have to turn off applications as our wait list becomes too long, in which case the guild finder won’t be available, so use another method of contacting us.
