Welcome to Skeevers Online

Officer Descriptions

Post has published by sasa2112

Officer Ranks and Responsibilities
We often have people ask to be an officer – and we need to say up front that being an officer is not an honorary role. Our officers are all in charge of some functional part of running the guild – whether that is running regular events for members or handling administrative duties. We welcome folks who are interested in providing services back to our members.

Guild Mistress, Guild Master & Their Consorts
Yep, we still have our founding GMs after all of these years! They have a number of alt accounts as well.

Membership Officers
The Scheming Skeevers membership officers are responsible for doing promotions to the Golden Skeever rank once the member has made a contribution. The Trusty Skeever Membership officers do promotions and demotions to and from Generous rank. (The two guilds have different membership/rank requirements) All membership officers communicate with new members and answer membership questions. Generally, this is a daily task!

Trivia Officers (Head/Hosts/MCs)
The Head Trivia Officer is in charge of weekly trivia. The primary job of the Head Trivia Officer is to make sure trivia happens every week which includes scheduling our weekly MCs and pairing them with a Trivia Host officer. The Head Trivia Officer also sends out the weekly trivia prizes. If there is no MC for the evening, generally it is the Head Trivia Officer’s job to fill that role.

Trivia Officers are expected to cover one trivia event per month. They can serve as either the host responsible for running trivia night and helping the Trivia MC OR the can be the Trivia MC. Sometimes they will even do double duty and do both!

The Trivia HOST is responsible for giving directions in chat, recording winners on the official  Google Sheet, and assisting the weekly Trivia MC in whatever way they can.

The Trivia MC is not necessarily done by an officer, but a volunteer who puts together the questions for the night. For more information about the responsibilities of Trivia MC, go HERE.) 

Everyone in a Trivia Officer’s role is on the lookout for new (and old) folks to come and MC a night of trivia.

Auction Officers
Our auction officers put together and manage our bimonthly auction fundraisers. This huge job includes soliciting donations, tracking auction data, creating the Discord channels for the auction lots, coordinating donors/winners, and a lot more. These officers do a lot of unseen grunt work to make sure that the event runs as smoothly as possible – and includes being the host of the event and doing auction promotions which includes sending out guild mails and regular posting in Discord. Usually, the officers use their primary residences as the guild’s auction house in order to display furnishing lots.

Events Officers (Heads/Leads)
The Head Event Officer is in charge of our weekly Saturday events and any other regular events that may happen to be scheduled.. The primary job of the Head Event Officer is to make sure that we have a Saturday event each week and includes scheduling the event leads and managing the flow of the events.

Event Officers create/manage/run events of interest to our members at least once a month. This may include things like:

  • World Boss Runs (This can include doing/sharing WB Dailies)
  • Naked Skeever Romp
  • Public Dungeon Runs
  • Zone Clears
  • Lead Farming
  • Fishing Expeditions
  • Housing Hikes
  • Housing Events/Contests
  • Costume Events/Contests
  • Achievement/Collectible Farming
  • Death and Tickets (doing PvP Event Ticket Runs)
  • Event Box Farming

Officers are in charge of signing up for an event monthly, coming up with the event, creating the event notification in Discord, and promoting the event by sending out a guild mail.

Trials Officers (Head/Leads)
Our Trials Head is in overall charge of Skeever Trials. They are responsible for making sure we have trial lead coverage, manage the flow of trials, and are on call for leads who need assistance.

Our Trials Leads are responsible for running at least one trial per month. We currently run trials on Thursdays and Saturdays. Part of running the trial includes creating the Discord sign up channel for their trial and determining which trial(s) to run. They are also tasked with coordinating with the Trials Head and other Leads when doing this.

Social Officers
Social officers monitor guild chat and give general assistance to members as needed. Helps to develop and run social events.
