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Post has published by sasa2112

Pick Your Prize Raffles

Each week we will raffle off a minimum of one winner in each group. The winner may choose one prize from the offerings listed within that group or any lower group. (Group 1 is the highest level of prizes. So if you’re the Group 3 winner, you can choose any prize from Group 3, 4 or 5.) As prizes are picked, these offerings will change and be updated regularly as we receive donations or have exceptionally lucky days in Tamriel!

Our goal is that winners receive items that are useful to them in the game.

Prize Request Protocol

1) You will receive ONE notification mail per prize. There will be an item attached to make sure that your prize mail stays in your mailbox for 30 days. If you use an addon that takes the attachment and deletes the mail, then make sure to keep watch on the winner’s list in Discord.

2) Please send SaSa separate mails for separate prizes. It’s also helpful for you to mention which date and group prize the mail refers to.

3) Prizes picked from the PRIZE WAREHOUSE SPREADSHEET CANNOT BE COMBINED. (i.e. If you win a Group 4 and  Group 5, you cannot combine the points to pick from the spreadsheet. You must pick those prizes separately.) The ONLY exception to this is Generous Group 1 winners who get 200 total points for picking stuff from the Prize Warehouse Spreadsheet.

4) Prizes are for the exact amount or under. Please do not ask to trade or buy additional prizes.

If all of the items are on one line AND are joined by a “+” symbol, then you get all of those items.

NOTICE: We reserve the right to make prize adjustments based on current market value as prices may fluctuate wildly before we have chances to make changes to the website. 

NEW PRIZE: Auction Credit now extends to items purchased through the Furnishing Depot. Please See Discord Channels for Details!

Prize Groups

Group 1

  • Choice of 140 points worth of Motifs/researchable jewelry or other items from the Prize Warehouse*
  • The Ultimate Craftsman Book of Plans and Designs (Poss. Combo of Rare Green, Blue, Purple, and/or Gold Crafting Plans – Quality Only)
  • 140k worth of Psijic Ambrosia, Orzorga’s Bear Haunch, Clockwork Citrus Filet, Artaeum Takeaway Broth, Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl, OR Colovian War Torte  (Your Choice*)
  • 140k worth of Custom Tripots (potions with three effects – you pick pot(s) & level)* 
  • 140k Guildstore Shopping Spree
  • 140k Mystery Crafting Bag (Mats, rare style mats, glyphs, and/or tempers.)
  • 140K Skeever Auction/Furnishing Depot Credit (Can be used as cash credit toward any winning auction bid and/or lots purchased through the Furnishing Depot.) 
  • Psijic Ambrosia Recipe (all seven fragments) + 1 Perfect Roe!
  • 140k worth of Raw Fish
  • Any 12 Nirnhoned Armor (your choice) for research*
  • 140 free tickets for the next raffle

Group 2

  • Choice of 120 points worth of Motifs/researchable jewelry or other items from the Prize Warehouse*
  • 120k worth of Custom Tripots (potions with three effects – you pick pot(s) & level)* 
  • 120k worth of Psijic Ambrosia, Orzorga’s Bear Haunch, Clockwork Citrus Filet, Artaeum Takeaway Broth, Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl, OR Colovian War Torte (Your Choice*)
  • 120k Master Craftsman Book of Plans and Designs (Poss. Combo of Rare Green, Blue, Purple, and/or Gold Crafting Plans)
  • 120k Guildstore Shopping Spree
  • 120k Mystery Crafting Bag (Mats, rare style mats, glyphs, and/or tempers.)
  • 120k Skeever Auction/Furnishing Depot Credit
  • 120k worth of Raw Fish
  • Any 10 Nirnhoned Armor (your choice) for research*
  • 120 free tickets for the next raffle

Group 3

  • Choice of 100 points worth of Motifs/researchable jewelry or other items from the Prize Warehouse*
  • 100k Master Craftsman Book of Plans and Designs (Poss. Combo of Rare Green, Blue, Purple, and/or Gold Crafting Plans)
  • 100k worth of Raw Fish
  • 100k worth of Custom Tripots (potions with three effects – you pick pot(s) & level)* 
  • 100k worth of Psijic Ambrosia, Orzorga’s Bear Haunch, Clockwork Citrus Filet, Artaeum Takeaway Broth, Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl, OR Colovian War Torte (Your Choice*)
  • 100k Guildstore Shopping Spree
  • 100k Mystery Crafting Bag (Mats, rare style mats, glyphs, and/or tempers.)
  • 100K Skeever Auction/Furnishing Depot Credit
  • 1 Nirn weapon (your choice) for research*
  • Any 8 Nirnhoned Armor (your choice) for research*
  • 100 free tickets for the next raffle

Group 4

  • Choice of 80 points worth of Motifs/researchable jewelry or other items from the Prize Warehouse*
  • 80k Guildstore Shopping Spree
  • 80k Mystery Crafting Bag (Mats, rare style mats, glyphs, and/or tempers.)
  • 80k worth of Custom Tripots (potions with three effects – you pick pot(s) & level)* 
  • 80k worth of Psijic Ambrosia, Orzorga’s Bear Haunch, Clockwork Citrus Filet, Artaeum Takeaway Broth, Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl, OR Colovian War Torte (Your Choice*)
  • 80k Craftsman Book of Plans and Designs (Poss. Combo of Rare Green, Blue, and/or Purple Crafting Plans)
  • 80k worth of Raw Fish
  • 80K Skeever Auction/Furnishing Depot Credit
  • Any 6 Nirnhoned Armor (your choice) for research*
  • 80 free tickets for the next raffle

Group 5

  • Choice of 60 points worth of Motifs/researchable jewelry or other items from the Prize Warehouse*
  • 60k Mystery Crafting Bag (Mats, rare style mats, glyphs, and/or tempers.)
  • 60k Elegant Dining of Tamriel Cookbook (Combination of Rare Green, Blue, Purple, and/or Gold Recipes- Let us know if you need the Artaeum recipes: Artaeum Takeaway Broth and/or Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl)
  • 60k worth of Raw Fish
  • 96 CH150/160 INTRICATE items for Decon/Leveling (some jewelry now included)
  • 96 Purple Level CH150 Glyphs for Decon/Leveling
  • 60k Craftsman Book of Plans and Designs (Poss. Combo of Rare Green, Blue, and/or Purple Crafting Plans)
  • 60k worth of Custom Tripots (potions with three effects – you pick pot(s) & level)* 
  • 60 free tickets for the next raffle
  • Any 5 Nirnhoned Armor (your choice) for research*
  • 60k Guildstore Shopping Spree
  • 60k worth of Psijic Ambrosia, Orzorga’s Bear Haunch, Clockwork Citrus Filet, Artaeum Takeaway Broth, Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl, OR Colovian War Torte (Your Choice)
  • 60K Skeever Auction/Furnishing Depot Credit


Make sure to refresh the page for the latest inventory!

Donations ALWAYS Needed! Please see our Donation Wish Page for the most up-to-date information!

Any donation of 10k or more counts toward keeping your membership active! You receive one month of Generous status for every 100k of donations.

