Welcome to Skeevers Online

Calling All Housing Skeevers!

This year we hope to reopen our summer guildhall festival site – and we need YOUR help! A music festival isn’t anything without vendors and campers! If you are interested in creating your very own camping and/or vending area – we will be taking an exclusive tour of the site and we will talk about this year’s cooperative build on Saturday, April 23 @9:30pm EDT.

If you are interested in participating, please select the Summer Camper role from the #roles channel and also respond to this announcement.

The size of each build will be dependent on how many people want to participate. You provide your own furnishings that will be dropped at the festival site by SaSa and you will be given permission to set it up. Please check with SaSa about the availability of house guests, mounts, pets, etc, ahead of time, as well as achievement furnishing items that you may need.

The guild hall will open for the summer at Summer Solstice and will stay open until Labor Day weekend. After the event ends, you may get your furnishing back OR you can donate your set for a future auction (and receive donation credit for the money raised from it). 

Builders will also receive Generous rank for the duration of the festival time.

For more info, please contact @SaSa2112.